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Robotic Assisted Lung Surgery

The latest technology for lung surgery approach is with use of the "da Vinci" robot, where the surgeon actually performs the surgical procedure at a console. At Twin Cities Heart and Lung, we have used the robot for heart surgery for the past five years, and have now adopted this technology for lung surgery.

The advantage with use of the robot is that you get great visualization and control with the more difficult cases to be done. Lymph node dissection can be done as well as, if not better than, via an open (thoracotomy) approach. Patients with higher staging of lung cancer will benefit from the minimal approach to surgery. Again, smaller incisions (ports) are made for access between the ribs and for camera and control arm access, which are connected to the robot. The surgeon controls the arms like as if they are his own hands. Pain is greatly minimized and patients can be discharged from the hospital as early as a few days post procedure.

Robotic Assisted Lung Surgery